Mid-week tips for a better life

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

G’day Superstars!

beach-blossom I hope you are all having a healthy & happy week. To all my ace clients keep up the great work, I’m cheering you on all the way!
You can sense that Spring is looming, walking down the beach yesterday I noticed some beautiful flowers beginning to blossom. Nice. Flowers are special, well to me anyway, growing up on a flower farm has instilled that appreciation for beauty.

Quote for the day: “There’s a way to do it better, FIND IT”!
Thomas Edison

Here are ten great ways to change your life in a postive way. Go on start implementing them today…it’s worth it!

acts-of-kindness Practice acts of kindness Every day do something to help another person for no other reason than that! They will really appreciate it (it might even make their day) and you’ll feel good too.
dairy-products1 Eat more dairy Ensure you consume three servings of low fat dairy each day. According to the Australian National Nutrition Survey 90% of women are deficient in calcium which could lead to increased risk of osteoporosis later in life. Men that includes you too!
exercise1 Exercise daily Make it a non-negotiable habit. You will feel better, be more productive and your body will love you! Do what you enjoy, do it consistently and get moving!
individuality1 Don’t compare yourself to others You are a unique and special person so don’t ever wish to be anyone but you! Strive at being your best self, love all that makes you who you are (even the imperfections) and you will shine.
meditation1 Meditate regularly No, don’t think this is a weird behaviour. It can be a special time for you to connect with your inner self. There are no rules, do it where ever you feel comfortable and free you mind of all the constant chatter that pollutes us on a daily basis. Be kind, make some time for yourself each day.
healthy-foods1 Eat wholesome clean food Eat nutrient-rich fresh foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. Think rainbows (lots of colour). Raw and clean will keep you strong and lean!
positivity Embrace positivity; reject negativity Adopt a positive and optimistic attitude in eveything you do. Hang out with positive people, reject negativity. There are no problems, only solutions and lessons to be learned. Enjoy the journey of your life.
vegitarian Experiment with vegetarian foods Introduce vegetarian options into your diet. Use a variety of legumes such as lentils, beans & chickpeas. Try tofu, use nuts, seeds and wholegrains to compliment your dishes and don’t forget herbs and spices. All these foods are packed with nutrition and taste great!
family-and-friends Cherish your family & friends
Life without family and friends is very lonely and unfulfilling. Love and connection is the meaning of life so appreciate the people you have and be grateful for your life; it’s a gift.
nature-beauty1 Connect with nature Get outdoors, smell the fresh air, delight in the beauty of nature. Nothing is more liberating than connecting your soul with the natural world, it’s pure bliss!

There you go, some of my tips to a better life. Enjoy!

Smile guys and the world will smile with you! 🙂


Cherie x

ps: feel free to comment and say “hi”. Just click on today’s post title and follow the instructions at the bottom of the post. Would be great to hear from you all… 😉


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