Weekend fun & fitness

Friday, 14 August, 2009

Quote for the day: “You already possess everything necessary to become great”.


Hey exercise bunnies!

Yay, it’s friday! I hope you’ve all had a positive week, perhaps a few lumpy bumpy bits interwoven between some exciting and happy moments? That’s the beauty of life, always things to challenge us, keep us growing and appreciating all that makes us human.

Ok, something a little different today, here is the Weekend Weather Forecast for Melbourne:

Now, for the fun bit! I’m going to suggest a few activities to do over the weekend. Sometimes we can get a little bored and ‘in a rut’ so to speak, when it comes to exercising our bodies so this might be helpful?

Saturday, enjoy the warm weather and get outdoors! Try:

sunny-smile Saturday: Max: 20 Min: 11 – windy

Sunday: Max 19 Min: 14 – windy, few showers

kite-flying Kite Flying: Yes, make the most of the wind on saturday. Head down the beach or visit a local park and fly a kite. Don’t just stand there, run around with it and get the heart pumping, you will have a ball!
bushwalking Go hiking: Get your boots on, pack a healthy lunch in your back pack, grab some friends (or enjoy the serenity alone) and go bush! The Dandenongs are beautiful, challenge yourself up the famous 1000 stairs (Upper Ferntree Gully National Park) and you will be guaranteed a great leg & butt work out!
beach-walking Walk along the beach: There is nothing better than walking along the beach, enjoy a beautiful sunrise or sunset perhaps? To make your exercise more demanding walk in the sand, it’s a terrific workout.
team-sprts Play sport: When was the last time you played tennis or took the footy down the park? Well, give it a go! Brush the cob webs away, grab a footy, basketball, tennis racket or cricket bat and get your body moving! This is great for your hand-eye coordination and will be loads of fun.

Now, for Sunday and some indoor fun for you if the weather turns showery Try:

stair-running Stair walking/running: Find a good set of stairs (if it’s raining use your stairs at home) and spend 15min at a steady pace on them. If you want a harder workout grab some weights (improvise with cans of food etc) and hold them in your hands as you move up and down the stairs. This is an awesome workout for the body.
skipping3 Skipping: Yes, I know it’s been a long time but that is no excuse! Find a rope and get those legs moving. Be patient, keep working and don’t give up… you will get the rhythm eventually and reap the rewards.
dancing1 Dance: Turn your favourite music up loud and shake that body baby! Dancing is so much fun and you will feel fantastic. If you don’t want to dance in public then the lounge room is perfect…entertain yourself!
rock-climbing Indoor rock climbing: There are many indoor climbing gyms around that cater for beginners to advanced climbers. This is an excellent all over body workout, so grab some friends and go climbing adventurers!
stretching Stretching, pilates or yoga: Spend some time this weekend improving your flexibilty and calming your mind. Find a class that suits your level or just spend 20min stretching at home.

There you go some exercise ideas for this weekend. Don’t just think about it…do it!

Have an awesome weekend guys, eat well, get moving, have fun and add some relaxation in too!

Take care


Cherie x

ps: let me know what you do this weekend, just click on the “weekend fun & fitness” title and comment in box at the bottom of the post. I would love to hear from you! 😉



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